Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "IT is not the length of life, but the depth of life."
Tyler touched numerous lives during the 953 weeks and 3 days he spent on Earth. His gentle spirit and warm smile could light up any room. Tyler was not afraid to "break the ice" to bring others together or spread the good news of Jesus Christ.
Tyler graduated from East Paulding High School on May 28, 2016. He was a member of the DECA Club, played football his freshman year and ran track his sophomore year. He was also a 2016 recipient of the Remarkable Raider Award and received a Certificate of Achievement in Cosmetology. Tyler was intrigued with technology and aspired to become a Computer Programmer.
Tyler was a Youth Team Leader at Latter Rain Christian Church. He was raised in the church as a child and he gave his life to Christ in 2015. Tyler told his Pastor, Apostle Osburn, that he felt different from others and he constantly felt something pulling on his heart. God was drawing Tyler closer to Him.
Tyler loved and protected his little sister Taylor. You would often see Tyler taking Taylor to the park to hang out with friends or pulling her in his childhood Radio Flyer wagon around the subdivision. Many people do not know this but Tyler named his sister.
Tyler exemplified the three Fs: Faith, Family and Fun. He was not afraid to speak of the many blessings and miracles his family received from the Lord. While on Harvard's campus, he ministered to an atheist and led him to Christ. Tyler loved spending quality time with family. He attended and hosted family dinners in Georgia; visited family in Connecticut, Maryland, and New York; and cracked jokes at his grandaunt's house in Clarendon, Jamaica. He enjoyed attending Atlanta Hawks games and he cheered on the New Orleans Saints with pride.